Garda Commissioner orders review Kelly Lynch investigation. A mother's determination, driven by the loss of a child, has led to Julieanne Lynch getting the Garda Commissioner to review the original police investigation into her daughter's death.
The body of her 23-year-old daughter, Kelly, was found on St Patrick's Day by the banks of the Ulster Canal in Monaghan Town this year.
Since she learned of Kelly's death, Julieanne suspected foul play at hand. The Gardaí on the other hand did not treat the young woman's death as suspicious. The head of An Garda Síochana (Commissioner Drew Harris) has listened to Julieanne's reasons for fearing foul play. Indeed, he has agreed to open a review into the original investigation.
It's important to note that while the Commissioner has ordered a peer review, the Gardaí's original investigation into the death of Kelly Lynch remains open at this time. When Zoe Tunney spoke to Julieanne she explained that a mother's instinct does not die with a child.