Tesco Ireland have confirmed they plan on commencing works on a new store in Cavan Town.
The supermarket giant received full and final planning permission from An Bord Pleanála in recent months for its new store in Cavan Town. Cavan County Council gave the green light last year for a single storey retail unit of c. 5,197 sq.m gross floor area, including a licensed alcohol sales area, ancillary offices and staff facilities.
A Tesco spokesperson confirmed to us that they look forward to commencing works in the coming months. The spokesperson said Tesco was proud to have been part of Cavan Town for over two decades, and they look forward to bringing a new, more modern shopping experience to their customers soon.
The statement said that a new store will offer a broader shopping experience and enhance the overall vibrancy of the town for everyone. The approved plans also allow for the construction of a petrol filling station incorporating an automatic car wash, a forecourt canopy and associated signage.
297 car parking spaces (including parent and toddler, disabled and electric parking spaces) along with 120 no. cycle parking spaces are also planned. When completed the large scale store will also see a drive thru café in the county town also.