An Bord Pleanala has approved plans for a new housing development in Tydavnet village.
It had been appealed by Tydavnet Tidy Towns Committee after Monaghan County Council initially granted permission in February of this year.
The application was for 12 new homes on land opposite to Tydavnet Community Centre.
In the appeal it was argued that the two-storey houses are not of an appropriate or sustainable scale for such a small village.
It added that the proposal would impact on the village's rural character.
Despite this appeal, and the recommendation from An Bord Pleanala's own Inspector's report to refuse permission, the Board gave the plans the green light.
It ruled that the construction of the homes wouldn't conflict with Tydavent's development.
16 conditions were attached to the decision, including that the external finishes of the houses would be approved by the planning authority prior to construction, in the interest of visual amenity.