
Permanent GP position secured for Swanlinbar

May 18, 2024 12:14 By News Northern Sound
Permanent GP position secured for Swanlinbar
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Swanlinbar Development Association confirmed the news that the locum doctor, Dr. Cristian had been successful.

Following months of uncertainty in relation to a permanent GP in Swanlinbar, it’s been confirmed that a doctor has been appointed.

Swanlinbar Development Association confirmed the news that the locum doctor, Dr. Cristian had been successful. It was the sixth time the vacant position had been advertised by the HSE since the retirement of the former GP Dr Deering in the West Cavan village back in October 2020.

This confirmation will come as good news for the Swanlinbar practice and the wider community in Glangevlin, Corlough, Bawnboy and Swanlinbar who all had been anxious to have the position filled on a permanent basis.

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