
Parents of first born baby in 2023 in Cavan praise maternity staff

Jan 5, 2023 10:43 By News Northern Sound
Parents of first born baby in 2023 in Cavan praise maternity staff
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Parents Stephanie and Craig were delighted to ring in the New Year with the birth of baby Hannah. 

There were wonderful celebrations in the Connolly household when baby Hannah arrived 32 minutes into January 1st 2023.

Hannah was the first baby born in the region in 2023 after being delivered at Cavan General Hospital.
The Monaghan baby girl weighed 7lb 12oz.
Parents Stephanie and Craig were delighted to ring in the New Year with the birth of baby Hannah.
The Monaghan town couple have a second child named Louie who is two next November.
Stephanie and Craig thanked the midwives and staff at Cavan General for the excellent standard of care they received at the hospital.
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