A number of events planned for St. Brigid's Day today across Cavan have been cancelled or postponed because of storm Éowyn.
A visit to the early christian site at Urney Church in Cavan aimed at children is no longer running.
As is the launch of 'Bringing Brigid's Cloak to Life' at Cavan County Museum.
A unique event planned to officially open Bridget's Thatched Cottage at Drummany Spirit tomorrow called "Reigniting the Flame" has also had to be postponed as the cottage has had no electricity for the past eight days and counting.
Lorraine Teevan from the cottage says they are disappointed but will re-schedule the event as soon as feasible.
On a positive note, the annual blessing at St. Brigid's in Raffoney, Virginia is going ahead with devotees gathering at the outdoor spot from 4pm today.
Bee Smith, who is one of the organisers of the St Brigid's Cloak project says all is not lost: