Monaghan County Council is seeking permission for the upgrading of the R181 regional road at Lisnadarragh to Crossduff.
Permission is being sought by the County Council for the widening of the R181 regional road, as well as an upgrade to the horizontal and vertical alignment along the R181 and the adjoining junctions.
The works will also include a widened verge, crash barriers, and drainage works where required.
The plans also include provision for regraded batters - batters are the side slopes that connect the road surface to the contour of the surrounding land.
In addition to this, upgrades will be made to the visibility splays on all road junctions where they meet the R181.
Visibility Splays are an essential feature of road junctions as it allows traffic on the minor road to see cyclists, vehicles and pedestrians on the main road.
The county council is also seeking the re-location of all affected third party utilities along the R181 where required to facilitate the new alignment and all associated site works.