The CEO of 'Sensational Kids' which operates in Clones has highlighted the growing crisis in the provision of essential HSE services.
A survey recently carried out by the organisation revealed that 87.3% of respondents are currently on a waiting list for HSE services, with families reporting delays of two years or more for critical supports such as occupational therapy, speech and language therapy and psychological services.
CEO and founder of Sensational Kids, Karen Leigh, explained that the findings are deeply shocking.
According to Karen, the long delays in accessing essential therapy services are leaving local children and families in distress.
Despite this, employment opportunities have also opened up in Clones.
The team is in search of an occupational therapist and a speech and language therapist.
Speaking to Northern Sound, Karen said that the team would love to add a psychologist also, however funding is needed to compete against the HSE when it comes to recruiting staff: