
Monaghan actress nominated for esteemed IFTA award

Feb 22, 2022 20:30 By News Northern Sound
Monaghan actress nominated for esteemed IFTA award
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'Catríona Balfe was shortlisted in the acting category for her role as 'Ma' in Belfast'

Monaghan's Catríona Balfe has been nominated for an Irish Film and Television Academy (IFTA) for her role as 'Ma' in Belfast.

Her co-star Jamie Doran also received a nomination.

Belfast received a total of ten nominations, including Best Film, Best Director and Best Script while its stars Jamie Dornan and Catríona Balfe were shortlisted in the acting categories.


Meanwhile, Kin has topped the list for nominations.

It received 13 nominations, including Best Drama, Best Director, Best Script, and Actress and Actor in a Lead Role.

The winners will be announced in a virtual ceremony on the 12th of March, which will be followed by an in-person event in Dublin in April.

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