
Local mental health advocate hopes OT will open conversations around eating disorders

Jan 6, 2022 16:06 By News Northern Sound
Local mental health advocate hopes OT will open conversations around eating disorders
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The show's return has provoked widespread criticism, including concerns for National Eating Disorder Charity - Bodywhys.

A local mental health advocate hopes Operation Transformation will open conversations around eating disorders.

Leanne Coyle from Cavan, who is behind the Smile for Me project and has experienced an eating disorder says that she does understand how the RTE show could be triggering for some.

There has been widespread backlash since news of the shows return this year, with eating disorder charity Bodywhys releasing a statement highlighting the damage it can have and asking producers for a more inclusive approach.


However, Leanne feels there are positive to take from it and hopes it can offer anyone struggles the means to express their negative thoughts around food and body image:

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