A Bailieborough man is swimming 31km over the month of January to raise funds for the Cavan Special Care Baby Unit (SCBU). This is the sixth year that Aaron Hynes has undertaken the challenge since his little boy Harry was born 10 weeks prematurely. Harry who is now almost seven was born at only three pounds in weight. Within the very first few days of his life, Harry feel extremely ill after his lung collapsed and was therefore brought to Holles Street Hospital.
According to Aaron, during that time a number of charities offered to support to them as a family, gestures of kindness which he says his family will "never forget." As a result of such goodwill, the Bailieborough dad-of-two decided to try the January challenge which is now in its sixth year. Last year with the money raised, Aaron was able to buy 12 breast pumps for Cavan Hospital for parents of premature babies.
Speaking to Northern Sound, Aaron said it's important for him to "give something back" to those who helped them as a family when it was most needed; "We were given a breast pump so my wife at the time was transferred from Cavan to Holles Street for the duration of the time that Harry was up there. We were given a breast pump then that my wife could use at home from a different charity and it was from then on that he spent another 8 weeks in SCBU in Cavan. As I'm from Cavan I decided the year after he was born that I would try this January challenge." To donate, visit; https://www.gofundme.com/f/4gm47q-scbu-cavan-hospital