
Latest search for Columba McVeigh comes to an end

Nov 16, 2023 07:17 By News Northern Sound
Latest search for Columba McVeigh comes to an end
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The latest search on Bragan Bog, Co Monaghan for the remains of Columba McVeigh has been completed without success.

The latest search for Columba McVeigh, abducted, murdered and secretly buried by the IRA in 1975, has ended without any evidence that his remains are in Bragan Bog in Co Monaghan. There have been six searches since 1999 covering more than 26 acres of the Bog.

Originally from Tyrone 19 year old Columba McVeigh, was living in Dolphin’s Barn, in Dublin, in 1975. He left his flat on Halloween night to buy some cigarettes and was never seen by his family and friends again. He had been kidnapped by the IRA, before being murdered and secretly buried.

There have been five previous searches of the area since 1999. The most recent one took place in a part of the bog that was not excavated before. In a statement released by the ,  it assured the McVeigh family that it would never close the book on a case while there is still the possibility that the information is brought forward and acted upon.

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