Eddie O'Gara has been selected by the Green Party to contest the 2024 General Election for Cavan Monaghan.
Mr. O'Gara, from Monaghan Town has been active campaigning in the local area for several years on the need to create healthy, vibrant and economically sustainable towns and villages.
He is a member of the Monaghan County Council walking and cycling forum and was previously a member of the Housing, Social and Cultural Strategic Policy Committee. He is involved in several community and sporting organisations locally including Athletics, School Parents Association, GAA, Gymnastics and Transition Monaghan.
He was a founding member of the community action group 'Love Monaghan Save Dublin Street' which seeks to preserve our cultural and built heritage while regenerating and developing the town in a sustainable manner. Eddie says he is passionate about this region and wants to to improve the potential of Cavan and Monaghan as a place to Live, Work and Visit.