
Green light for 142 new homes in Cavan

Apr 24, 2024 12:17 By News Northern Sound
Green light for 142 new homes in Cavan
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County planners also gave the go-ahead for the provision of a two storey creche.

Planning permission has been approved for 142 homes along with a crèche in Cavan Town.

Drumlark Investments Limited had applied for the large scale residential development to consist of 145 homes but one of the conditions attached to the approved application was that 142 homes would be built on the large site located in the townland of Drumlark. This mixed development has been given the green light by county planners for the provision of a total of 91 residential dwellings which will consist of 25, two bed units, 55, three bed units and 11, four bed units.

The dwellings range in height from single storey to two storey. The approved plans also allow for the provision of a total of 54 duplex apartments consisting of 15, 1 bed units and 39, two bed units. The duplex apartment blocks range in height from two storey to three storey. County planners also gave the go-ahead for the provision of a 2 storey creche with associated parking, bicycle and bin storage.


Electric vehicle charging points with associated site infrastructure ducting to provide charge points for residents throughout the site along with a new access point from the public road with associated works to include for a connections to the existing public footpath along with provision of a pedestrian crossing are also included. The provision of residential communal open space areas to include formal play areas along with all hard and soft landscape works with public lighting, planting and boundary treatments to include boundary walls, railings and fencing.

All ancillary site development/construction works to facilitate foul, water and service networks for connection to the existing foul, water and ESB networks. A Natura Impact Statement (NIS) has been prepared and accompany this application. Cavan County Council gave the green light for this development with 47 conditions attached.

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