
Eyewitness of Monaghan bombing calls for closure and justice

May 15, 2024 15:46 By News Northern Sound
Eyewitness of Monaghan bombing calls for closure and justice
Image courtesy of Monaghan County Museum and Donal McEnroe Collections.
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He said when he left his home he could see a car on fire not realising that a bomb had exploded.

The 17th of May 1974 was like any other day for Monaghan man Dominic Meehan.

After finishing work that Friday evening he arrived home to the family homestead of No 1 Dawson street.

At two minutes to seven, a long bang akin to gas cylinders exploding rang out while Dominic was at home with his parents. He said when he left his home he could see a car on fire not realising that a bomb had gone off.


That bomb was the fourth that day following three bombs exploding in Dublin 90 minutes earlier. Resulting in 34 people being killed, 7 of them lost their lives in the Monaghan blast. Dominic entered Greacen's pub after the explosion and then had to leave due to the risk of a second bomb that was being reported.

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