
EU funding could secure N2 Clontibret to the border scheme

Dec 9, 2022 16:41 By News Northern Sound
EU funding could secure N2 Clontibret to the border scheme
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EU funding to cover the costs of the N2 Clontibret to Border scheme could be in the pipeline, this week's meeting of Monaghan County Council heard.

A survey is now currently underway in relation to the proposed route which had been shelved earlier this year due to costs.

The meeting heard that works could see the upgrade of approximately 28km of the N2 between Clontibret and the Northern Ireland Border.


It was also confirmed during proceedings that archaeological studies have been completed on the proposed lands.

Cllr Noel Keelan said he was glad to hear there was progress on what he described as ‘the most dangerous stretch of the route’.

He added that the upgrade was "badly needed".


Meanwhile, plans for the development are expected to be with An Bord Plenala by June or July of next year.

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