
Cootehill safety works almost completed

May 16, 2021 12:56 By News Northern Sound
Cootehill safety works almost completed
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Cootehill Town Team wanted the footpath to be for the whole community.

The first phase of improvement and safety works to crossings and junctions in Cootehill is nearing completion. The Cootehill Town Teams' Accessibility Committee, as part of its "Accessibility for All" initiative, were successful in drawing down funding for the project under the "Town and Village Renewal Scheme".

Its aim it to have a public footpath network in Cootehill that is inclusive for all the community, particularly those with a disability.

The Cootehill Town Team thanked all who participated in the walk-ability study last year, such as the Holy Family School and Drumlin House, who helped identify areas of need. While the Town Team says there are still more improvements to be made, they praised everyone involved for their hard work in making such a good start.

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