
Childcare sector at 'crisis point' says local worker

Aug 22, 2023 12:22 By News Northern Sound
Childcare sector at 'crisis point' says local worker
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A meeting to discuss concerns within the sector will be held tomorrow evening.

A meeting will take place in Cavan tomorrow to voice the frustrations of childcare providers across the region. The meeting which takes place at 7pm in the Kilmore Hotel will provide an opportunity for childcare providers and parents to express their concerns.

Local woman Paula Donohue works at Clever Clogs Childcare in Ballyconnell and believes the sector is at "crisis point."

Speaking on this morning's Joe Finnegan Show, Paula believes there is a long road ahead in terms of Government bringing the Irish childcare sector up to the European standard.


According to Paula, a new string of funding was announced last year, however the rates for that core funding were set up prior to the "unprecedented inflation" that has now rocked the sector.

As a result, Paula has called on Government to bridge the financial gap to help providers like herself deliver the quality of childcare that is needed.

"We have a lot of work to do," explained Paula. "When Government says they have put a lot of money into the sector, they’ve put a lot of money into it on the back of such a low base and there’s a long way to go before they actually bring us up to European standards.


"Government members need to get us off the bottom of the table and actually help us deliver the quality childcare that we want to deliver on a day-to-day basis without having to sweat the cents and the euros."

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