The Apostolic Work Society of Ireland is celebrating 100 years since its inception in Belfast in 1923.
The society now known as Apostolic Work Ireland has branches in 18 dioceses throughout Ireland
According to the president of the Kilmore Apostolic Society, Susanna Tinneny there are currently 13 branches located within the diocese.
Some of the objectives of the society is to share in the missionary apostolate of the Church by prayer, and by supplying material and financial aid in those areas where the Church is not yet fully established.
The official opening of an exhibition to celebrate the centenary will be held in the Cavan County Museum in Ballyjamesduff on Thursday the 5th of October and will run for the course of the month at the Co Cavan museum.
Speaking on the Joe Finnegan Show earlier today, the Kilmore Apostolic Society President, Susanna Tinneny says they receive a lot of support locally but it is difficult to attract new members in the society.