The Irish Film & Television Academy has announced that popular comedian, actor and presenter and Co Cavan man Kevin McGahern is to host the 22nd annual IFTA Awards Ceremony.
The event will take place on Friday, February 14th at the Dublin Royal Convention Centre.
As McGahern takes front and centre stage as IFTA Host this year, he brings with him his funny, witty and charming personality to lead the proceedings for this prestigious and glamorous occasion. As a talented Actor, writer and popular comedian, Kevin will be at home amongst this creative community of actors, filmmakers and craftspeople.
The cream of the Irish film community will be in attendance to celebrate the enormous success of our home talents. Nominees in the running for Irish Academy Awards this year include Saoirse Ronan, Cillian Murphy, Paul Mescal, Barry Keoghan, Nicola Coughlan and many more. The Gowna man says the new hosting role for the IFTA's is a huge honour.
Speaking about his new Hosting role McGahern said: “It’s a huge honour to be asked to host the IFTAs this year. It's been another amazing year for Irish Film and Drama, both here and around the globe and I look forward to celebrating those achievements on the night and to having some fun too - what incredible talent and skill that this small island is capable of.”