
Cavan festival organiser looks for planning for spiritual garden

Jun 30, 2024 10:19 By News Northern Sound
Cavan festival organiser looks for planning for spiritual garden
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This month, Cavan County Council received an application for planning permission to develop the garden, alter entrances to the property and a greenhouse.

A Cavan festival organiser is seeking planning permission to develop what is listed as a "living sacred medicinal spiritual wellbeing garden" in Drummany Rahan.

Gearoid Teevan has been running the Drummany Spirit Festival near Belturbet since 2022.

The spiritual, no alcohol/no substance holistic music, art and food festival "in the heart of Cavan's lakeland area" is, according to its website, "about getting back in touch with nature".


This month, Cavan County Council received an application for planning permission to develop the garden, alter entrances to the property and a greenhouse.

Also proposed is five outdoor viewing mounds, a story-telling learning assembly cob building and six detached sleeping pods for short-term letting and photovoltaic panels.

County planners are expected to make a decision on the proposals in the coming weeks.



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