The overall care and services at a Monaghan nursing home were found to be "better managed" than in a 2020 inspection.
The Health Watchdog found that Mullinahinch Nursing Home was compliant or substantially compliant in all but three areas.
During an unannounced inspection in May, HIQA inspectors found significant improvements in the governance and management of the designated centre since they visited last June.
The aim of the visit was to assess the home's preparedness for a Covid-19 outbreak, and to follow up on improvement actions.
A quality assurance system is now in place, with regular audits and management reports.
However inspectors were not assured that staff were implementing a number of policies in a consistent manner, and care plans did not have enough detail to ensure care was in line with residents' needs.
In terms of the building, inspectors said two rooms were being used for staff changing facilities and PPE storage, while there were a number of areas needing refurbishment.
In response, management said issues with written policies and individual assessment plans were rectified by the end of August.
Some of the necessary changes to the premises were carried out immediately, while refurbishment and redecoration will be addressed before the start of November.