
'All women' should receive free contraception says local GP

Jul 1, 2024 14:45 By News Northern Sound
'All women' should receive free contraception says local GP
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Dr Illona Duffy believes cost should not be a barrier for women who want to avail of contraception.

Free contraception should be made available to all women regardless of their ability to pay. The call comes after the Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly has announced the roll out of free contraceptives' for women in the 32 to 35 age group.

It means all women aged from 17 to 35 are now covered under the scheme. Monaghan based GP Dr Illona Duffy cost should not be a barrier for women who want to avail of contraception. Dr Duffy stated; "We've already seen from the data that there has been a rise in terminations in pregnancies which can be a very traumatic, emotional and difficult time for women so we want to allow that to be prevented and ensure those who don't want to get pregnant - don't get pregnant. We can't have costs as a barrier which as we no to date it has been for many women, young and old."

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