
19 local businesses named as Irish Food Award finalists

Aug 24, 2021 14:12 By News Northern Sound
19 local businesses named as Irish Food Award finalists
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The overall winners will be named at an awards ceremony in October.

19 local businesses have been named as finalists in the Irish Food Awards.

Blas na hEireann recognises and celebrates the best in Irish food and drink production with the annual Blas Awards.

Monaghan leads the way locally with 10 nominations, nine businesses in Cavan are finalists.


The overall winners will be named at an awards ceremony in October.

Monaghan Cavan
Arthur Mallons

Carleton Cakes

Connolly Meats

Dinkin's Bakery

Glaslough Chocolate

Greenfield Foods

Grove Turkeys Ltd

Lakeland Dairies Monaghan

Maisha Coffee Ltd

Silver Hill Duck

Aine Chocolates ltd

Carleton Cakes

Cullys Craft Bakery

Ice Cream Treats

Lakeland Dairies

Liffey Meats

Manor Farm

Terra Spirits & Liqueurs

Vanilla Bean Patisserie

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